Thanks to the acquisition of a new business partner, we will be able to start the production of five new games (simulators) for PC and consoles.
This allows us to explore new markets and spread our wings in the gaming industry. After announcing work on Birding Simulator and great feedback from the community, we believe that our next projects are a move in the right direction.
The additional capital brought by our new business partner is the next step on the way of our studio. We believe that this cooperation will allow us to reach the next stage in our development – Damian Fijałkowski, co-founder and CTO of T-Bull studio.
Currently, work is underway on the selection of projects that will be implemented as part of the cooperation. We will keep you informed about the decisions in reports and on our social media profiles.
(+48) 534-326-597
(+48) 535-351-884
T-Bull S.A.
ul. Szczęśliwa 33/2.B.09
53-445 Wrocław
NIP: 8992714800
REGON: 021496967
KRS: 0000579900
Kapitał zakładowy: 118.830,50 zł (w całości wpłacony)