A racing game from the Wroclaw studio, which has been downloaded several dozen million times on mobile devices, will soon debut on the Nintendo Switch. This is the first step of T-Bull S.A. on the way to the largest gaming platforms.
According to a recently published report for November 2019, Top Speed has been downloaded more than 46 million times from the home studio so far. The game, which places the player behind the wheel of the fastest cars in ½ and ¼ mile races in competition with the bosses of the underground, is one of the most recognized titles from T-Bull S.A. Despite the fact that the game had its premiere 4 years ago, it still enjoys extraordinary popularity every month – only last month Top Speed was downloaded over 1.5 million times.
In the near future (in the first quarter of next year) the game will be available on the Nintendo Switch. This is a completely new direction for the developer who definitely specializes in productions for mobile devices. However, as announced, the studio wants to develop towards the largest gaming platforms. Switch, thanks to its versatility, is a console on which Top Speed will be able to reach its full potential.
– The console from Nintendo is extremely popular in Poland , so we had no doubt that this is the right direction for us – commented Damian Fijałkowski, co-founder and board member of T-Bull S.A. – Switch is characterized by high quality, therefore it will fully use the potential of our production. At the same time, its mobility and versatility are features that we highly value at T-Bull S.A., which is why we are proud of the opportunity to appear on the new platform – he adds.
The debut of Top Speed on Nintendo Switch is just the beginning of the expansion of T-Bull S.A. for this console as well as for the largest gaming platforms. Soon we can expect the next premieres from the native producer on the Nintendo platform. In addition, as announced, the studio is working on its most advanced production called Working Space Simulator, which we will play on all consoles and personal computers. The planned premiere is to take place next year.
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