Od ponad 12 lat produkujemy gry mobilne, w które zagrało już ponad 600 milionów osób. Jesteśmy jednym z największych polskich developerów i nadal się rozwijamy.
T-Bull S.A. to notowana na polskiej giełdzie papierów wartościowych spółka z sektora produkcji gier mobilnych. Grupa odpowiedzialna jest za takie hity jak Top Speed, Moto Rider GO czy Bike Clash.
On December 17, 2020, a letter of intent was signed in cooperation with Ekipa S.A. that is a company run by a Polish YouTuber - Friz.Friz enters the market of mobile games hand in hand with T-Bull S.A.
As announced at the beginning of October this year, an agreement was signed with the investor for the production of five simulators. The first announcements of games should appear on Steam later this year, and more at the beginning of next year.
Together with Honda, we are starting cooperation in which licensed motorcycles will be made available in Moto Rider GO.
Thanks to the acquisition of a new business partner, we will be able to start the production of five new games (simulators) for PC and consoles.
Currently no job offers available.
(+48) 534-326-597
(+48) 535-351-884
T-Bull S.A.
ul. Szczęśliwa 33/2.B.09
53-445 Wrocław
NIP: 8992714800
REGON: 021496967
KRS: 0000579900
Kapitał zakładowy: 118.830,50 zł (w całości wpłacony)